Student Contract

(effective October 1, 2024)

RPriceStudios Student Agreement

Student/s Name____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (if applicable) ____________________________________

Contact information:


Phone #__________________________ Address______________________________________________________________

Student birthday (optional)_______________________

Lesson Length: (circle one) 30 min 1 hr 

Term (circle one) 10mo. 12mo.
Lessons per month (circle one) two four

Payment: (circle one ) PayPal Venmo Zelle Cash App Cash Check 

Other __________________________

(Please circle) I DO / DO NOT give permission for photos or videos taken during lesson to be posted on my website. 

Please sign below to acknowledge that you have read all studio policies and agree to all terms and conditions. 

_______________________________________ ____________________ 

Student/Parent or Guardian Signature Date contract initiated

This contract may be ended by either party at any time with a 7-day notice.